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Bernhard Randerath
EBS founder · Current position: EBS president
An enthusiastic aviator from early on. At 9 years of age he built his first RC-airplane model. After his university entrance diploma (Abitur) he learned the trade of an airplane mechanic and worked in general aviation. Further years followed at Lufthansa. Then after studying aeronautical engineering, he worked as an engineer at Lufthansa in Frankfurt and Hamburg. In 1998 he accepted an offer at Airbus. At this time he became a manager in maintenance engineering for new developments and after-sales. Later on he settled to Abu Dhabi, where he led as vice-president and postholder the engineering at Etihad Airways. In July 2021 Bernhard Randerath was appointed as the CEO of the German Emirati Institute. The institute centralizes, manages, and executes technology projects with funding initiated and supported by the governments of Germany and the United Arab Emirates. Bernhard is happily married since over 30 years and has one son. His famoust hobby is, of course, his F33A Bonanza D-EHFG. As a member of ABS Bernhard began in 2005 to develop thoughts of a community for European Bonanza owners, which led in founding EBS.
You can contact Bernhard by e-mail: bernhard.randerath@beech-bonanza.org
Wolfgang Kaiser
Current position: EBS Vice President & Chief Treasurer
Wolfgang was born in 1964 and grew up in Cologne. He has been happily married to his wife Nelli since 1988 and is the proud father of four children. The household is completed by a dog, which of course also flies with him. Wolfgang has been running his own business in the real estate sector very successfully for decades. After disappointing attempts with charter planes he decided to buy his own plane. Through intensive research he was sure that the Bonanza, still, is the best single engine aircraft on the market. He decided to purchase a 1989 F33A and has enjoyed each hour on this aircraft ever since.
In 2017, he completed his piloting career with an instrument rating. In 2021, his Bonnie was upgraded with a new IO550 engine and turbocharger.
You can contact Wolfgang by e-mail: Wolfgang.Kaiser@beech-bonanza.org
Uwe Lutz
EBS founder · Current position: EBS public relations
First contact with General Aviation in 1975 in Baton Rouge / Louisiana USA when living close to a small downtown airfield. Got infected and received first lessons there. Completed PPL in 1981 at Lufthansa Flying Club hfc in Hamburg, Germany. Experienced around 1.000 hours on different types of aircraft (SE/< 2.0 MTOW) and received further extensions / licenses with AZF, CVFR, NVFR (exp.). During intensive location changes due to job/biz assignments joined add. local flying clubs in Switzerland (Zurich), Denmark (Nakskov), Germany (Münster-Telgte) in addition to my home based flying clubs in Hamburg and Stade. Acted as Vice Chairman (1988 – 1992) and Club Magazine Editor (1988 – 2005) in Hamburg and as Chairman (2005 – 2007) in the Stade Flying Club. Joined the newly founded EBS as Vice President in 2007. Biz background until early retirement in 2004 was lab assistant in Bitumina Research & Development (1969 – 1971), Chemical Engineering Degree University Münster, Germany (1974), Different long-term Management Assignments in Manufacturing, Materials Manage-ment, Process-Analysis, -Design and -Implementation at Dow Chemical in Germany, USA, Switzerland, Denmark with some further global short-term assignments in Scandinavia, UK, Poland, Iberica, Greece and USA. Married (second) with Anke Lutz in 1990, also Private Pilot since 1990 ( PPL, CVFR, BZF ) and experience of around 500 hours on different types of aircraft ( SE / < 2.0 MTOW ). One Son with Alexander Carl, born in 1975, with first wife. Two grandchildren ( twins ) with Leni and Emily since Oct.16, 2005. May be Uwe needs to go for “twin – rating” now. You can contact Uwe by e-mail: uwe.lutz@beech-bonanza.org
Eric Buchholz
EBS founder · Current position: editor and webdesign
Eric started his aviation career at APS ( Aviation Parts Service in Mönchengladbach) where he worked 10 years as a specialist for aviation parts for the general aviation. During his apprenticeship at APS he started his PPL training at the local aeroclub at Mönchengladbach where he completed his PPL license in 2012. Further in 2013 he completed his aerobatic license and joined a Skydive Club in Paderborn where got the pleasure to fly a real old C180 Taildragger for dropping parajumpers out of the sky. In 2017 Eric became a Flight Instructor as well as a class rating instructor VFR. As a new challenge in 2022 Eric started an IFR course to be prepared in the future.
With over 800 flight hours on different aircraft types and missions he spent his life looking for fresh challenges to tackle and new obstacles to overcome
You can contact Eric by e-mail: eric.buchholz@beech-bonanza.org
Hermann Schmoeckel
EBS founder · Current position: EBS flight education and training
Hermann – from the beginning a passionate flyer (1976). During his aircraft design study he completed his CPL license. After reaching his diploma he began as a hydraulic design engineer in MBB – a former company of Airbus. In this stage he recognized that he was born to fly professional. In the year 1994 he received the authorization to fly the Airbus 319/320/321. In the year 1995 he switched over into the Airbus Flight Test Department where he was trained to a Flight Test engineer and flight test pilot. From 2008 -2015 he was again working in Toulouse for ATR as Chief flight test engineer during the development of the ATR-600. After that he worked again at Airbus in Hamburg.
Since 2021 he is retired. Hermann holds IR, ATPL and is FI in VFR. He is a fan in flying Bonanza and he is the main EBS Flight Instructor having logged more than 10.000 flight hours. Presently he is owner of a F33C (the acrobatic version), after 12 years being owner of a Robin Dr400-180. Hermann is fluent in German, English and French, starting to learn Danish.
You can contact Hermann by e-mail: hermann.schmoeckel@beech-bonanza.org
Ralf Kaldenbach
EBS founder · Current position: EBS technical education and training
Ralf started as a trainee with Westflug, an Aviation Flight Training Organisation at Aachen-Merzbrück, to become an A/P mechanic. There he also made his PPL-A and aerobatic flight license. In 1997 he reached his aircraft inspector license Class 1 (now EASA CAT C) and passed several exams to be granted flat-rated licences for aircraft up to 5,7 to MTOM by the German Aviation Authority. After 14 years with Westflug he joined Beechcraft Augsburgs facility in 2003 as Maintenance Manager. There he has upgraded his experiences for all Beechcraft Models. In 2008 he relocated to Airbus Helicopter (formerly Eurocopter). Since 2013 he is leading the Airbus Helicopter Service Center Augsburg Airport. Ralfs passion are military vintage aircraft and he owned a Pilatus P3. He is also very experienced in restoring North American T-6 aircraft and is still involved in one project to be rebuilt to a flyable condition. For EBS he is the technical trainer and advisor.
You can contact Ralf by e-mail: ralf.kaldenbach@beech-bonanza.org
Frank Busche
Current position: EBS membership and promotion
Frank Busche born 1959 in Schwelm,Germany, married, one son and trained as industrial clerk and technician. Of course, the dear family always comes first, but aviation is beating in Frank’s heart! For almost thirty years his passion was sailing, every free minute he spent on sailboats and on the water, when this kind of movement was finally too slow, Frank switched to flying, navigation and meteorology ! Since 2005 he has the license PPL-A for single-engine and multi-engine aircraft! A few years later he completed his license with an instrument rating. Frank learnt to fly on different aircraft like Cessna 172, Piper-Archer 3, Robin 2180 as well as Piper-Seminole and Grumman-Cougar.
Since 2010 he owns a Beech Bonanza F33A (nothing else matter) with which he traveled all over Europe. One great flying experience was a trip with a Grumman-Cougar through the USA and afterwards the transfer of the plane from Sacramento over the North Atlantic to Marl-Loemühle. I joined the EBS in 2010 kicked off with a EBS Pilot Safety Training (PST) on his Beech F33A. In my opinion, the EBS PST is a must for every pilot!
You can contact Frank by e-mail: frank.busche@beech-bonanza.org
Nicolas Moujon
Current position: EBS Regions support Manager
Nicolas was born in 1998 in Evry, France. He grew up in the French countryside around Sens, Yonne in France. Did his private pilot training at the Airclub of Sens at Pont-sur-Yonne airfield LFGO and still flies from there. He studied and graduated MEng in Aeronautics in Paris. He lives in Reims, France. Now he is an airline pilot and flies the Boeing 737 Classic & NG for a Belgian cargo airline all around Europe.
In his spare times, he flies a 1969 E33A Bonanza based in Lognes, LFPL. His Beechcraft and Bonanza passions started back in his early ages. He is always willing to learn new things about the mighty Bonanza. For him, the best single engine piston on the market, is and will remain the Beechcraft Bonanza. He is an EBS member since 2021 and succeeded in the PST on May 2022 and June 2023. He got elected in the EBS Board during PST 2023 in Stendal.
Nicolas is fluent in French, English and started to learn German.
You can contact Nicolas by e-mail: nicolas.moujon@beech-bonanza.org